The water is the oxide of hydrogen. H2O, it is the simple conjuncture of hydrogen and oxygen. By weight it contains 11.19% hydrogen and 88.81% oxygen. The water is the main environment of the organism, where the metabolism of the plants, animals, microorganisms is happening. During the process of photosynthesis, water joins the carbon dioxide becoming an organic compound, which causes a formation of a living material. The life itself, more likely, has been created in the water, however, during the evolution, some animals and plants have come out to the land and got used to the life out of water. Still, the plants and animals are dying fast without the water. For example, a dog can live without eating 100 days, without drinking, less than 10 days. The water has always been considered as the beginning of the life, because of the need…

We are starting a line of articles in our Seafood World blog, through which once again we want to refresh our knowledge about the water and the life in it. Our articles are interesting and at the same time very informative. They can be the logical continuation of the previous article or can not to be. Each post individually has its own sense, meaning, determination. These articles include scientific facts about the subject, course or themes. Our planet earth’s 2/3 is water; our body’s 2/3 is water. Isn’t it interesting? By its structure and design, the water is the most interesting in our environment. It has a unique role in our life. The water is the basics of the life. Wherever the water is, the life is too. Our articles are informative. But repeating all known facts again and again, I think, is not…